DEHN Speak Up


"DEHN protects" - A promise that we keep day after day - for our customers, partners and employees.

The success of our company is based not only on the quality of our products, but above all on our good reputation and the trust placed in us. As a company, we are expressly committed to integrity, sustainability, fairness, respect and responsibility in business interactions.

Please always be aware that the reputation and good name of our company are significantly influenced by the appearance and behavior of each of us.

In order to be able to avert possible damage in connection with our business activities, it is important to us to become aware of possible legal infringements at an early stage.

With this in mind, we offer an independent whistleblower service that is managed by Deloitte on behalf of DEHN. We call this service DEHNspeakup.

DEHN takes the handling of whistleblower reports via DEHNspeakup very seriously, processes every submitted report and initiates investigations if possible and necessary. We want to effectively protect you as a whistleblower.

DEHNspeakup is designed to record whistleblowing reports regarding the following topics:

  • Abuse of influence
  • Bribery/Corruption
  • Violations of competition and antitrust law
  • Breach of policy/procedure
  • Data protection breaches
  • Bullying/Harassment
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Discrimination
  • Fraud
  • Occupational safety/Health
  • Human rights violation
  • Theft
  • Environment related risk
  • Other unethical behaviour or misconduct

If you want to report a violation, this can be done here.

Reports are confidential and you are not required to reveal your identity until you choose to do so. You should provide as much information as possible to facilitate any subsequent action or investigation.

If you have any other queries relating to the service and how it operates, please email